News Articles

China and India trade with Russia at record levels

China and India, A Year Later, Post Invasion, Still Walking the Tightrope With the U.S. as They Continue to Set Records in Trade with Russia

China’s trade with Russia hit a record $190 billion U.S. in 2022, key operative word “record.” China is setting a course to become Russia’s top trade partner and prove to the world just what the “no limits” partnership can produce. An additional “maybe some limits” friend to Russia among the world’s larger economies is India.

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Exporting to Mexico legal requirements

Exporting to Mexico

If you are relocating to Mexico, or you are a producer, distributor, seller, etc., and the recipient of your goods is in Mexico because your client, final consumer, manufacturer, distributor, service provider, etc. is there, then, it is more than likely that you will be the exporter or the party responsible for reviewing and preparing some or all of the records needed to ship the goods to Mexico.

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Revisions and updates to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

Hot (or at least warm) Off the Press: Updates & Revisions to the ITAR

The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) is continuing its project to revise and update the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Some of the changes are editorial and some are substantive. If you are affected by the ITAR or think you might be, you will need to stay on top of the changes because some (or all) may affect you.

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Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is a growing Web3 field

Regenerative Finance (ReFi): Tokenizing Carbon Offsets and Incentives

Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is a growing Web3 field that offers an opportunity to rethink how we approach finance, investing, and sustainable economic development. ReFi takes a holistic approach to finance and development, considering the environmental, social, and economic impacts of financial decisions, and aims to create a regenerative economic ecosystem rather than following a primarily extractive approach.

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Harmonized Tariff Schedule

The Multi-Purpose Role of the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule

When goods are imported into the United States, the importer-of-record (IOR) must, with reasonable care, file an entry (CBP Form 3461) and entry summary (CBP Form 7501), or the electronic equivalents, with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). These documents are the IOR’s preliminary and final declarations about the nature and circumstances of the import transaction, and they tell the story of the transaction through more than forty data elements.

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Sonora Lithium

Sonora Lithium

In November 2022, Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard and U.S. Special Presidential Envoy John Kerry announced at COP27[1] in Sharm el-Sheikh important steps forward to address the

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Defense Technology and Security Administration DTSA

U.S. Bill Introduced to Move Export Controls From Commerce to DTSA. Is This a Good Idea?

On October 28, 2022, on the eve of the mid-term elections, a bill was introduced in the House that, unless you are an export control/compliance nerd, most would not have given it any thought. This bill, H.R. 9241, called the “Prioritizing National Security in Export Controls Act of 2022” was introduced by Representative Jim Banks, (R-Indiana) and co-sponsored by Robert Wittman, (R-Virginia), and Gregory Steube, (R-Florida).

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China Tariffs

Section 301 Update: Four-Year Review, Exclusions, Litigation, and the Future of China Tariffs

China Tariffs are here to stay – for now. The Biden Administration continues to defend the Trump-era tariffs on goods from China with little guidance as domestic inflation climbs steadily. Meanwhile, 2022 has been a busy year for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”). The agency was instructed by the Court of International Trade to provide further written justification for the Section 301 Actions for Lists 3 and 4a in the wake of the agency’s obligatory four-year review of each tariff action.

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Tuas port

Tuas Megaport in Singapore, An Upcoming Model to the World in Port Operations, and soon to be Light Years Ahead of the Globes Largest Ports

The Maritime Port Authority (MPA in Singapore) is currently in the process of building the Tuas Port, which will be the biggest port in the world with a capacity of 60 million TEU’s (twenty-foot equivalent units) once it is fully completed in 2040. PSA, the company taking the lead in the construction has implemented a four-phase process, with the first phase officially opening this September 2022, with three berths being operational.

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Antidumping Duties – Can I Obtain a Separate Lower Rate?

In Antidumping (AD) investigations, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) typically selects only a limited number of exporting entities for review, with these exporters referred to as “individual” or “named” respondents. Selection of these respondents is based on U.S. Customs and Border Protection Data, and in most cases due to limited DOC resources, will consist of only a few of the largest exporters.

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The Semiconductor Industry in México

According to the science of composition, a semiconductor is a material which, when subject to light, heat or a specific electrical voltage may be transformed into a conductor. Semiconductors are used to produce memory sticks, PC cards, smart cards, microchips, microprocessors, transistors, compact flash, start media, among many other items.

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CTPAT Supply Chain Hero of Trade

The Unsung Hero of Trade: Why CTPAT Matters

In the ever-changing world of trade, where predicting the future is a constant challenge, looking back at the past decade offers valuable insights into the evolution of the supply chain and the tools that have developed to contribute to efficiency and security.

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There are 88 constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union. This list of modern constellations was adopted by the IAU in 1922 and 36 modern constellation lie principally in the northern celestial hemisphere, while 52 are found in the southern sky. Ancient sailors navigated maritime trade routes using a combination of techniques including celestial navigation which is 4,000 years old. In the beginning it was primarily a multitude of spices traded among the various Mediterranean routes. To this day, the spice and seasoning trade is changing world history and has a market projected to grow to $26 billion by 2029. Braumiller Law Group loves the science behind global trade compliance.

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Buy American Act

The Buy American Act

The Buy American Act (BAA) was enacted during the Depression in 1933 to encourage the federal government to buy from American companies. To qualify as a domestic product the manufactured product must meet two requirements. First the end product must be manufactured I’m the United States, and second, the end product must be made of substantially all U.S. sourced components. This percentage threshold has increased to 65%. Some companies are following the new Buy America preferences, while others may need to make significant adjustments to their supply chain and domestic manufacturing processes to meet the stringent “produced in the U.S.” requirements.

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Who is the IOR? Importer of Record

One of the most common questions asked within our initial consultation with clients is, who is the IOR? The Importer of Record (IOR) is the essential entity in international trade. It is the one who is responsible for complying with all customs regulations, facilitating smooth import operations and managing all potential legal liabilities. It is essential when conducting due diligence and avoiding penalties.

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Ahh Coffee

About $10 billion in coffee was imported into the U.S. in 2022 with 50% primarily coming from Brazil and Columbia at roughly $2.2 billion each. It’s a staple in the majority of American’s daily lives via a kick of caffeine in the morning. The amount of business discussed daily over numerous cups of java goes without saying. If you’d like to have a cup with us and have a chat about anything international trade compliance related, we’ll be here. BLG can help you with Global Trade Compliance.

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Hot Topics in International Trade with Robert Stein-FTZs

Bob Brewer introduced Robert Stein who is a VP and newest member of BCG. The FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone) program helps companies save money, and promote U.S. jobs and exports. The FTZ program offers benefits in a time of increased tariffs and requirements that companies should look at more closely. Many companies have not been taking advantage of FTZs and should consider them.

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Chess Match

Chess Match

In the world of international trade not all regulations seem to be in black and white as there is some grey area. But if you choose to play a chess match with customs, based on our experience you stand a good chance of self-destructing. Global Trade Compliance is what we do.

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