International Trade Compliance Services

Need assistance with Customs and Trade Guidance, classification, staffing, or training?
Itā€™s just a click away.

Valuable Guidance in Global Trade Compliance

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The world of international trade brims with market opportunity, which also comes with significant risk regarding cross-border compliance. Our seasoned trade experts are very proficient in guiding companies through the maze of international trade compliance regulations. Recognized as industry leaders, Braumiller Consulting Groupā€™s team of trade compliance consultants, draws from their extensive knowledge to create innovative, world-class solutions for our clients. Whether you are deciphering the ever-changing global regulations, wanting to ensure that the initial product classifications are correct, dealing with the daily challenges of diligent supply chain management, strategizing continuous improvements for product flow, or mapping out market expansion, we are here to help.


tarriffs and trade sign

Tariffs and Trade

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.ā€ – George Santayana. As an example of this I present to you the Smoot-Hawley


Dallas (Principal Office)

5220 Spring Valley Road
Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75254
Toll-Free:  (877) 277-5987
Phone:  (214) 348-9306
Fax:  (214) 217-9303
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