News Articles

Compliance Consultants

International Trade Compliance Consultants and The Value Proposition

Maximizing value is crucial when companies contemplate bringing on external support for any organizational function. While a company may consider several value categories, this article explores five primary categories – productivity, profitability, image, experience, and convenience. By maintaining a value proposition mindset when requesting consultant resources, selecting consultants, and working with consultants, trade compliance professionals leverage the benefits of external experts.

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Compliance Training

Employee Education in Compliance Training

Employee education supports organizational growth and development. Its benefits are generally well known, but how do you ensure that training, in any form, generates the outcomes and advances you desire? Measuring and benchmarking success can be especially difficult when creating customized training programs, which are often needed for international trade compliance topics.

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Customs Regulations

Customs Brokers: Giving Credit to Accreditors

U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) published the Final Rule on continuing education for individual customs broker license holders in the Federal Register on June 23, 2023. This Final Rule made several changes to Part 111 of the Customs Regulations and imposed a continuing education requirement on individual license holders.

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Section 301 Exclusions

Another China Competition Bill: The Future of Section 301 Exclusions

The Trade Act of 1974 grants the President broad powers to manage trade relationships with foreign countries. Section 301 of the act allows the President, acting through the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”), to impose retaliatory tariffs on imports from a country if the USTR determines that country’s economic conduct “is unreasonable or discriminatory and burdens or restricts United States commerce.”

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US and Canada Investment in Mexico

Legal Framework Governing Foreign Direct Investment from the United States and Canada in Mexico

A large number of companies considering relocating their business abroad have turned their eyes to Mexico, which has become an attractive place for investors to relocate their business, mainly because it is close to the United States and Canada (nearshoring), the labor costs are relatively low, the availability of IMMEX (maquiladora) program, and because there is a preferential treatment to originating goods and foreign investments from the United States and Canada that are protected under the USMCA, among other factors.

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Should You File a Prior Disclosure in 2023?

2023 is more than a brand-new year – it is an opportunity for your company to prioritize supply chain and customs compliance. For some companies, this means filing a prior disclosure with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Companies that are frequent importers are seriously considering disclosing entry violations under the condition that Customs will not issue civil penalties against them.

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The U.S. and China are in a trade war

Doing Business with China Continues to Get More Difficult for U.S. Companies

The year 2022 saw a substantial increase in export restrictions applicable to China. The U.S. and China are not only in a trade war but there is also an effort by the U.S. to (1) prevent development of supercomputers, semiconductors and related products and technologies, and (2) prevent use of forced labor – especially involving the Uyghur minority in the Xinjiang region.

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Uyghur Forced Labor

Forced Labor Questionnaires: Another Helpful Hint

In February 2024, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began taking a new approach to Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) enforcement—questionnaires. Once again, the solar industry is among the first targets, vanguards among importers, hacking their way through new regulatory growth, hopefully exposing a clear way through for all who follow. Active enforcement mechanisms like questionnaires—and the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF) itself—are still evolving.

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BIS freight forwarders

BIS Updates Freight Forwarder Guidance And Best Practices

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has recently published a guidance document on its new website aimed at helping freight forwarders and exporters uphold compliance with U.S. export controls and regulatory requirements. The document emphasizes the significant role that freight forwarders play in securing the global supply chain and preventing the proliferation of illegal exports.

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De Minimis

De Minimis An Ever-Growing Problem of De Maximus ProportionDe Minimis

De minimis is a term that refers to a threshold below which certain goods are exempt from import duties or taxes. However, in the landscape of international trade, it has become a contentious issue for the United States. Those “bad actors”, and even some, not so bad, but willing to take advantage of a loophole have found a way around the tariffs. This so-called loophole of allowing goods with a fair retail value of $800 or less to enter the U.S. without paying an import tariff has become a monster that Customs needs to find a way to deal with conclusively.

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IMMEX Customs

The Importance of Pedimento Codes for the IMMEX Customs Regime

In Mexico, a customs regime is the destination or treatment for goods subject to customs control in accordance with the nature and purposes of a customs operation. Companies with an IMMEX program may perform operations under the so-called customs regime of “temporary importation for elaboration, transformation or repair under a maquila program”. This name by itself implies several facts to consider.

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aluminum extrusions investigation

Aluminum Extrusions II – Scope Modifications Proposed, Dept. of Commerce Questioning Manageability

Since the last update on the AD / CVD aluminum extrusions investigation (dubbed Extrusions II) in what appears to be a response to strong opposition from trade industry groups, legislators, governments, and other interested parties, as well as dubious signals from the Department of Commerce, (Commerce) the Petitioners in the ongoing Aluminum Extrusions investigation have proposed modifications to the scope of the investigation.

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Legal Norms Artificial Intelligence

Evolving Legal Norms for Artificial Intelligence  in the European Union and the United States

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic for the last 2-3 years for politicians, technologists, and many people in civil societies globally. The use of the technology has obvious benefits for increasing productivity and value produced by businesses and organizations, along with dangers from misuse, such as deep fake propaganda and serious security risks. Two recent efforts to develop legislation addressing AI technology offer an opportunity to compare and contrast the differing approaches in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US).

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IMMEX Customs

La importancia de los Claves de Pedimentos en el Régimen Aduanero de las IMMEX

En México, un régimen aduanero es el destino o tratamiento que se da a los bienes objeto de control aduanero de conformidad con la naturaleza y propósitos de una operación aduanera. Las empresas con un programa IMMEX pueden realizar operaciones al amparo del régimen aduanero llamado “importación temporal para elaboración, transformación o reparación en programas de maquila”.

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Trade and Food Security

The Nexus of Trade and Food Security Amid Global Conflicts

The intricate interplay between trade and food security has emerged as a vital global issue, one that is closely interwoven with the tapestry of international conflicts and political instability. Remember the 2019 pandemic when toilet paper supply chains were interrupted?  Now imagine that on a much larger scale with basic food staples like rice, wheat or corn.

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