The Unsung Hero of Trade: Why CTPAT Matters

CTPAT Supply Chain Hero of Trade

In the ever-changing world of trade, where predicting the future is a constant challenge, looking back at the past decade offers valuable insights into the evolution of the supply chain and the tools that have developed to contribute to efficiency and security.

Incoterms – Two Years Later


In September 2019, the International Chamber of Commerce released Incoterms 2020, heralded as a groundbreaking version of Incoterms that would bring great change to the supply chain community. Two years later, we look back on the changes that occurred and how they have affected us.

Digital Blockchain Services Bolster Supply Chains


By: James R. Holbein, Of Counsel, Braumiller Law Group Introduction:  Blockchain is a transformative new technology, like artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT) innovations.  In the popular press there is a lot of turmoil concerning cryptocurrency, a type of blockchain-enabled investment. The volatility of cryptocurrency is well known. You […]